As parents, we’ve all had those nights when our baby doesn’t sleep properly. It’s normal, and there’s always a reason for sleepless nights. A big notion that many have not heard of is sleep regression. What is a sleep regression? Although it’s not an official term, there’s a solid explanation for sleep regression, which we will go through in this article. It’s important to understand this sleep regression guide and at which age it occurs so you can be prepared and know what to expect and tips to handle sleep regressions.
What is a sleep regression?
Sleep regression is a period when suddenly your child wakes up throughout the night and has trouble falling back asleep when he was sleeping through the night beforehand. This phenomenon refers to a good sleeper who is now experiencing multiple wake-ups, often including fussing or crying. A sleep regression usually lasts 2 to 6 weeks. Although many kids don’t experience sleep regressions, they are pretty common.
Causes of a Sleep Regression
Many things can be the underlying causes of a sleep regression. Here are some common ones.

- A cold/ cough or minor illness
- Teething
- Reflux or an upset stomach
- A growth spurt
- A change in everyday schedule such as new childcare, moving homes, a vacation, etc.
- A developmental milestone, such as crawling, walking or rolling over.
At what ages does a sleep regression occur?
Sleep regression can occur from a few months of age to the toddler years. Believe it or not, even older children and adults have periods with less sleep. Here are some of the common ages of sleep regression.
Four-month sleep regression
The four-month regression is a sleep regression which is the first change in sleep pattern your baby will experience. This regression can occur a month early or later. Around this time, your baby will begin to wake up less often; therefore, this baby sleep regressions can lead to more promising sleep patterns.
Six-month sleep regression
Overnight wakes at this age are generally due to hunger. However, if the night wakes increase, it can be due to separation anxiety and possibly teething.
Eight-month sleep regression

At this stage, your baby will begin to crawl or pull to stand (developmental stage). Some babies also drop their third nap, which is another change. This can lead to more wakes at night, which can come together with teething.
12-month sleep regression
As is the case for most sleep regressions, this is the age when your baby is discovering the world around them and possibly learning to stand alone and walk. These new developmental stages can affect their nighttime sleep.
18-month sleep regression
This age is often the “no” stage. Your child is learning to be independent and test your boundaries. Your toddler is also experiencing a change in circadian rhythms also refereed to as the 24 hour sleep wake cycle. Bedtime can become more of a challenge and fight; your toddler may refuse the usual bedtime routine, but over time, this will pass, too.
Two-year sleep regression
Nap strikes and stalling bedtime—the terrible twos. As a parent, you will find yourself avoiding naps after a specific time in the afternoon since your toddler needs sufficient wake time before bedtime. It will also be harder for them to get down for a nap with all the energy flowing through their bodies. Their two molars coming in may also minimise their interest in sleep.
Tips to Handle Sleep Regressions
- As children grow and develop, so do their sleep patterns. Make sure to reevaluate your little one’s daytime sleep schedule. Most of the time, issues during a sleep regression can be solved by targeting the right amount of naps for the child’s age.
Naps According to Age
Age | Naps Throughout the Day |
Newborn | 4-6 naps and up per day |
3 Months | 3-5 naps per day |
4-5 Months | 3-4 naps per day |
6 Months | 3 naps per day |
7-9 Months | 2-3 naps per day |
10-13 Months | 2 naps per day |
14-18 Months | 1-2 naps per day |
- Scheduling your child’s day properly is key to a good night’s sleep. Ensure they follow a schedule relevant to their age regarding wake time, playtime, and sleep time.
- Don’t be worried if your child spends naptime rolling over and practising other skills in their crib. During the stage where your baby is mastering a milestone, it’s common for them to practice this during the time they should be napping. Be patient and know that once they master this skill, it won’t affect their sleep anymore, and it can be in just a matter of a few days or weeks.

- If your child is used to falling asleep solely with your help, this can create a sleep onset association. Helping your child fall asleep independently is a great skill that will lead to fewer night wakings.
Conclusion – Sleep Regression Guide
The monthly developmental changes babies go through are the leading causes of sleep regressions, bumps, and nightly wakings. As a parent, maintaining those healthy sleep habits will help your child get back into the usual sleeping routine. During sleep regression, remember that you are the comfort and support for your child; even so, try your best to do everything as usual to get them back to their regular sleep patterns. Be patient and know that also this will pass. We hope this sleep regression guide has given you more insight into sleep regression and how to deal with them.
Can teething be a cause of sleep regression?
Certainly, discomfort from teething can cause nightly wakings and affect your baby’s sleep. However, stick to the usual night routine to keep your child on track.
Is there a way to avoid sleep regressions?
There is no definite way to avoid sleep regressions altogether; however, following an age-appropriate schedule and sticking to healthy sleep habits can minimise the impact of developmental stages on your child.
How do I know if my child is teething and if that causes the sleep regression?
Have a look at your child’s gums. If they are swollen and bumpy, chances are they are teething. Pay attention to drooling excessively throughout the day; that is also a sign of early teething.
What are some sleep tips for babies?
The sleep tips for babies are endless. Some of the most common tips include having a bedtime routine, which will help the baby understand that it’s time to sleep.
Dim the lights around the house an hour or two before bedtime, preparing the mood for bedtime.
Consider a pacifier, teddy bear, or blanket, something that comforts your baby and helps them drift off to sleep.