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Doona Reviews: The Dual Functionality Doona Car Seat & Stroller

The Doona Stroller, renowned for its innovative design that merges a car seat with a compact stroller, satisfies the mobility needs of infants weighing 4-35 lbs. With its collapsible wheels, telescoping handle, and satisfactory safety ratings, including side impact protection and a 5-star safety rating in frontal collision tests, it stands out as a stroller with utmost convenience.

This comprehensive Doona review will delve into every facet of the Doona Car Seat & Stroller, in one highlighting its dual functionality as a rear-facing infant car seat and stroller with a single click. Prospective and current parents must delve into the world of doona reviews. This will help to gain insight into the Doona Infant Car Seat Stroller’s blend of safety features, such as the five-point harness and anti-rebound bar, setting the stage for an in-depth discussion on its compatibility, accessories, and overall value.

Doona Car Seat and Stroller in One – How it works?

The Doona Stroller’s unique design allows it to function as both a car seat and a stroller. This innovative feature provides convenience and flexibility for parents on the go. The transition from car seat to stroller is seamless, making it easy to navigate various environments without disturbing your sleeping child.

doona reviews
Photo: Target

To convert the Doona Infant car seat to a stroller, simply release the latch at the back of the seat and extend the wheels downward. This transformation takes just a few seconds and requires minimal effort. When you are ready to use the car seat again, lift the wheels back up and secure the latch to return it to its original position.

Design and Convenience

  • Stylish and Compact Design: The Doona Infant car seat boasts a sleek, chic design that doesn’t compromise on style, making it a fashionable accessory for parents on the go. Its compact stroller mode ensures easy navigation through tight spaces and convenience during travel.
  • Ease of Transition: With its innovative integration of car seat and stroller functionalities, the Doona transitions smoothly between modes in seconds. This eliminates the hassle of switching between separate products, providing unparalleled convenience for urban dwellers and frequent travellers.
  • Practical Features for Daily Use: Ready to use straight out of the box, the Doona Infant car seat includes essential safety features like side impact protection, a five-point harness, and an anti-rebound bar. Despite its slightly heavier and bulkier frame than traditional car seats, its stroller functionality and ease of folding for various terrains make it a practical choice for everyday use.

This unique combination of design and convenience ensures that the Doona Infant Car Seat meet parents’ aesthetic desires and address the practical challenges of navigating life with an infant.

Safety Features and Comfort

  • Comprehensive Safety Ratings: The Doona Car Seat & Stroller not only meets safety expectations with its all-encompassing safety ratings. It boasts side impact protection, a 5-star safety rating in frontal collision tests, and FAA aircraft approval for air travel, ensuring the highest level of safety for infants both on the road and in the air.
    • Side Impact Protection: This product utilizes a unique 3-layer side impact protection system designed to absorb and dissipate energy away from the baby in a side collision. 
    • 5-Star Safety Rating: Achieved a 5-star safety rating in frontal collision tests, a testament to its superior design and safety features.
    • FAA Aircraft Approved: Certified for air travel, making it an ideal choice for families on the move.
    • 5-Point Safety Harness: Equipped with a superior 5-point safety harness that secures the child at the shoulders and hips, minimizing movement and enhancing safety. 
    • Anti-Rebound Bar (ARB): Features an anti-rebound bar that minimizes car seat movement during a crash, offering additional protection.
    • Fail-Safe Mechanisms: This car seat has fail-safe mechanisms to prevent unintentional folding, rotation, and extension, ensuring it remains in its safest form at all times. 
    • Comfort and Material Safety
    • Ergonomic Infant Car Seat: This seat provides optimal comfort and support for infants. Its materials are tested under strict European standards to be free of hazardous chemicals.
    • Tested in Extreme Conditions: The Doona Infant Car Seat has undergone rigorous testing in over a hundred crash tests, including extreme weather conditions and high-speed collisions, ensuring reliability and safety in all situations. 

Accessories and Additional Costs

The Doona Car Seat & Stroller, while offering a high level of convenience and safety, comes with various additional costs for accessories that enhance its functionality and user experience. The base model costs $550, with special editions such as the Midnight and Gold Limited Editions available for $650, which include premium additions like a Handlebar Cover and Essentials Bag.

Essential Accessories and Their Costs

  • Rain Cover: $40.00, essential for weather protection
  • Footmuff: $120.00, provides warmth in cold weather 
  • Snap-on Storage: $40.00, adds extra storage space 
  • Padded Travel Bag: $100.00 for safe transport 
  • Vehicle Seat Protector: $15.00, protects car upholstery. 

For families requiring more than one base for multiple vehicles, an additional LATCH car seat base is available for $150, ensuring ease of transfer between cars. Despite the initial investment, the Doona Infant Car Seat & Stroller’s pricing is comparable to purchasing a high-quality infant car seat and stroller separately, with the added benefit of integrated functionality and the option to customize with a range of accessories.

Doona Stroller Models

The Doona Stroller is available in various models, each model with unique features to cater to varying needs and preferences. Let’s compare some of the top Doona Stroller models to help you find the perfect fit for your little one.

  • Doona+ – This model features an integrated anti-rebound bar, providing additional safety and stability in the event of a collision. It also comes with a stylish and functional all-day bag, perfect for carrying essentials.
doona reviews
Photo: ctfassets
  • Doona Liki Trike – This innovative tricycle offers a smooth ride and grows with your child. It features a compact folding mechanism, making it easy to transport and store. The adjustable parent handlebar allows for comfortable steering, and the sun canopy protects from the elements.
  • Doona Liki S3 – Designed for children aged 1 to 3 years, this lightweight and compact stroller is perfect for urban adventures. It features a three-position reclining seat, a large storage basket, and a UV-protected canopy.
doona reviews
Photo: ctfassets

Pros and Cons


  • Optimal for Urban Use: Excellently suited for city living, short trips, and travel, thanks to its smooth transition between car seat and stroller modes.
  • Design and Style: Features a chic design, making it a fashionable accessory for parents. 
  • Safety and Comfort: It boasts comprehensive safety ratings and side impact protection and is FAA aircraft-approved for air travel, ensuring top-notch safety and comfort for infants.


  • Limited Use on Rough Terrain: Not recommended for rough terrains due to a lack of suspension and storage, making it less ideal for errand running or grocery shopping. 
  • Heavier and Bulkier: Weighs significantly more than traditional car seats, posing challenges for carrying and maneuvering. 
  • Short Lifespan: This can only be used for up to 15 months or until the child reaches 35 lbs, which may not justify the high price for some families. 

For those requiring more storage or planning to navigate rough terrains frequently, exploring alternatives such as the Clek Liing, Chicco KeyFit 35, or UPPAbaby Mesa Max might be worthwhile.

Final Verdict – Doona Reviews

Throughout this Doona car seat stroller review, we’ve explored the multifaceted nature of the Doona infant car seat, emphasizing its design and safety features catering to the evolving needs of modern families. From its compact, stylish design to its comprehensive safety ratings and practical accessories, the Doona Stroller offers convenience and security for parents on the go. Doona review aim to provide prospective and current parents with a thorough understanding of its functionality, helping them make an informed decision on whether this stroller meets their specific lifestyle and safety expectations.

In considering the Doona Infant car seat advantages, such as its optimal urban use and design, against its limitations, including a restricted lifespan and suitability on varied terrains, it’s clear that while it may not be the perfect fit for everyone, it stands out for those prioritizing ease of transition and safety in a compact package. As families contemplate this investment, aligning product features with personal necessities becomes paramount. For those the Doona suits, it promises to enhance the everyday experience of navigating life with an infant, underscoring the importance of selectivity in choosing baby gear that truly supports one’s lifestyle.

Can the Doona Stroller Be Used on Airplanes?

Yes, the Doona stroller is safe and has been officially certified and approved for air travel, making it an ideal choice for families on the move. However, contacting your airline beforehand to check their policies on car seats would be advisable.

What are the disadvantages of the Doona Stroller?

While the Doona Stroller offers numerous benefits, it is essential to consider its potential disadvantages. The stroller has a weight limit of 35 pounds, which means it may not be suitable for older or heavier children. Additionally, some users have reported that the stroller’s wheels can wear out over time, requiring replacement. Assessing your child’s needs and considering these limitations before investing in the Doona Stroller is essential.

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