Saturday, June 29, 2024
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Cubase 13: A Comprehensive Review of the Latest DAW Evolution in 2024

Cubase, the leading Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) by Steinberg, has recently released its 13th iteration. This upgrade has been eagerly awaited by the global music creation community. This article aims to provide a detailed review of Cubase 13, examining its key features, improvements, and user experiences.

Introduction to Cubase 13

Cubase is renowned for its intuitive interface and powerful features. The release of Cubase 13 introduces several enhancements and additions, further improving user experience and workflow. This section will provide an overview of the new features and updates introduced in Cubase 13.

User Interface Refinements

The user interface has seen several refinements, aimed at improving workflow and usability. These refinements include streamlined menus, better multi-window handling, and a new Transport Bar. The interface refinements have been well-received, with users praising the improved layout and functionality.

New Features

Cubase 13 introduces several new features, including the VocalChain plug-in, the enhanced MIDI editors, the redesigned Chord Pads, and the compact orchestral library – Iconica Sketch. These new features aim to provide users with more flexibility and control over their music creation process.

Return of the Steinberg Vocoder

The Steinberg Vocoder, a legendary tool for creating robotic vocals and adding an analogue flavour to instruments, makes a return in Cubase 13. With up to 24 filter bands, sidechain input, and in-depth control, the Steinberg Vocoder provides users with a broad spectrum of vocal and instrumental effects.

Workflow Enhancements

In addition to the new features, Cubase 13 introduces several workflow enhancements. These include new Track Versions for Video Track, a more flexible playback start configuration, and the new Tap Tempo feature on the Transport Bar.

Detailed Overview of New Features

In this section, we will delve deeper into the new features introduced in Cubase 13, discussing their functionality and potential benefits for users.

The VocalChain Plug-in

Source: Steinberg

One of the most noteworthy features of Cubase 13 is the VocalChain plug-in. This tool streamlines all the necessary processing steps for vocal mixing into a single interface, providing a seamless experience for editing and recording vocals. With the VocalChain, producers have even more control over the sound and can fine-tune every aspect of the vocal performance. Overall, this feature greatly enhances the quality of vocal mixing and contributes to an improved workflow.


Source: Steinberg

VoxComp, available in Cubase Pro and Cubase Artist, is a new compressor specifically designed for vocals. It gently tames recordings without compromising clarity, transients, or expression.

Enhanced MIDI Editors

Source: Steinberg

The MIDI editors in Cubase 13 have been significantly improved. The Range Selection tool is now available in the MIDI editors, and Cubase Pro users can view and edit multiple parts directly from within the MIDI editors. These enhancements will streamline composition workflows and simplify MIDI CC recording for further editing.

Redesigned Chord Pads

Source: Steinberg

The Chord Pads have been completely redesigned and enhanced with new functionalities. The integrated Chord Assistant and the circle of fifths make it easy to find creative chord progressions. Additionally, presets provide excellent starting points for composing.

Compact Orchestral Library: Iconica Sketch

Iconica Sketch is a compact 5 GB library with 140 articulations for 34 instruments. It allows everyone from beginners to professional composers to create full orchestral scores of the highest quality.

User Experiences with Cubase 13

cubase 13

The best way to gauge the effectiveness and value of a new software release is through user experiences and reviews. Here, we’ve gathered some user feedback from the Steinberg Forums to give you an idea of how Cubase 13 is being received.

Positive Feedback

Users who have upgraded to Cubase 13 have reported the software to be snappier, especially when closing large projects. The software feels very sturdy, and Steinberg’s admission of potential graphical issues is seen as a step forward in transparency. The new features, such as the VocalChain plug-in and the enhanced MIDI editors, have received positive reviews, with users stating that they greatly improve the workflow.

Negative Feedback

Some users have reported graphical issues with Cubase 13, particularly when hovering over icons. The user interface, while generally well-received, has been criticised for its white text, which some users find off-putting. Some users have also reported that there have been no significant improvements in CPU usage compared to Cubase 12.

Is It Worth Upgrading?

The general consensus among users is that the upgrade is worthwhile, especially for those who regularly use the new features and enhancements. However, some users recommend waiting until the initial bugs are worked out before upgrading.

Pricing and Availability

Cubase Pro 13, Cubase Artist 13, and Cubase Elements 13 are available for purchase now. The pricing for each version is as follows:

  • Cubase Pro 13: 579.99 US dollars or 909 Australian dollars
  • Cubase Artist 13: 329.99 US dollars or 517 Australian dollars
  • Cubase Elements 13: 99.99 US dollars or 157 Australian dollars


cubase 13

Cubase 13 represents a significant step forward for Steinberg’s flagship DAW. With a refined user interface, new features, and workflow enhancements, this latest iteration provides a more streamlined and intuitive music creation experience. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or just starting out, Cubase 13 has something to offer. As always, it’s recommended to try out the software for yourself to see if it suits your needs.

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