Everyone’s dream is to have a clean and tidy home to live in. However this is something that most of us struggle to upkeep. With the hustle and bustle of life, we often have no time to care for our house and have it as clean as we would like. However, specific small tasks can be done daily that will add to the tidiness of your home and help you get into the routine of doing them, ultimately leading to a cleaner house. In this article, we’ll go through some tips to help you keep your home clean and tidy with minimal effort.

As simple as it seems, many don’t make their beds, whether because they are lazy or lack time. Making a bed is a simple task that makes a huge difference. It changes the look of the room and suddenly makes everything look tidy. To make things easier, simplify the bedding as much as you can. You can minimize the pillows, blankets, and duvets. This way, making the bed takes much less time and effort.
One Load of Laundry Per Day
Depending on how many loads of laundry you do a week, you may not see it necessary to do a load a day. However, try to get in the habit of doing a load first thing in the morning. If you work outside the house and won’t have time to dry it properly, use the delay setting or set it up the night before so the load starts before you wake up. Alternatively, you can prepare the load in the washer in the morning and turn it on when you get home from your work day. Most importantly, ensure you have enough time to fold and put the clothes away.
Make sure to check out our Laundry Guide for more tips.
Be Satisfied with ‘Clean Enough’
We all know the struggle of wanting to keep your house clean. Our tip is to be happy with the clean enough stage, as house cleaning never ends. There’s always more to do. Follow the 80/20 rule. Be satisfied with 80% of the cleaning done and 20% left. Leave the 20% for the weekly or monthly deep cleaning routine rather than the daily one.
Prioritize What’s Important
Cleaning is not created equal; some tasks are more time-consuming and tasks that can be completed in minutes. Making a list of your tasks is highly helpful. Prioritize what’s important to you, and leave the rest for the upcoming days.

Assign age-appropriate jobs to the kids in the house. Although you can handle everything independently, overtime, it can be too much. Some simple tasks you can start with are telling them to put their shoes in the closet, put their plate in the sink after finishing the meal, put the dishes in the dishwasher, etc. These simple tasks that they can quickly complete will become part of their routine over time.
Keep Your Cleaning Supplies in a Relevant Spot
Bathroom cleaning supplies, such as the Pink Stuff, disinfectant wipes, sponges, etc, should be kept in the bathroom, and kitchen cleaning supplies should be kept in the kitchen. This makes cleaning these areas much easier and more convenient, as the necessary supplies are right there. Quick cleaning sessions in the bathroom or kitchen can keep these areas clean and reduce the number of deep cleans you need to do in a month.
Don’t Leave a Room Empty-handed
This habit makes a huge difference in the general tidiness of your home. Before leaving any room in the house, do a quick scan to see if something belongs in another room. Take it with you on your way out, and make sure to put it back where it belongs. Always remember the one-touch rule: touch an item once before putting it away, and do not leave it somewhere temporarily before returning and putting it away. This will help you save time and energy, leaving you with a clean and tidy home.
Pay Attention to High Traffic Areas
Keeping high-traffic areas clean and dust-free daily will help prevent clutter. We all have those spots in our house that are cluttered up by the end of a busy week. Keeping those spots tidy daily will avoid the clutter and lead to less overall work.
Clean as you go
Take off your clothes and drop them straight in the laundry, your shoes back into the closet, and the dishes straight into the dishwasher. Remember the one-touch rule: aim to touch an item only once before it is back in its designated spot.

In an effort to declutter your home over time, set up a donation box. When you come across something you won’t want, just drop it in the box. Over the weeks, this box will get full, and you can quickly get rid of it.
Conclusion – Clean and Tidy Home
We know how hard it is to maintain a clean and tidy home. We all want to come home after a long workday to a home with less clutter, clean countertops, and dishes in place. This article discussed ten organization tips for maintaining a clean and tidy home. The points we reviewed in this article are not major time-consuming tasks; they are tasks that can be easily and quickly done daily. Paying attention to high-clutter areas or not leaving a room empty-handed will decrease the overall clutter of your home. Incorporating even some of these tips into your daily routine can significantly help make your home a cleaner and more pleasant space for you and your family.
How can you keep your house clean and tidy?
The secret to keeping a clean and tidy house is having a ‘home’ for everything. The moment everything has a designated spot your house will be much more tidy.
What is the correct order to clean a house?
The correct order of cleaning your house is ultimately up to you. There is no wrong or right order however doing the more time consuming tasks like deep cleaning the bathroom and kitchen first can take a weight off your shoulder. This leaves you with the easier less time consuming tasks.